The End Run

For Endcrawl customers, getting new outputs from the renderbot is easy:

1. Send an email to your project’s private address.
2. Use one of subject lines listed below. (For example, “gimme 1k”.)
3. Get a download link.

Here’s a full list of render targets available to you:

Subject Line Render
gimme 1k 1k h.264 “checker” video. Perfect for fast previews. (FREE)
gimme still-1k 1k still image (PNG) of the full credits scroll. (FREE)
gimme pdf PDF doc of the full credits scroll. For legal review. (FREE)

gimme dpx

Zipped full-res DPX sequence. Usually 2K or HD.

gimme still

2k or HD still image (PNG).

gimme dnxhd-small

HD QuickTime encoded to DNxHD 36.

gimme dnxhd-medium HD QuickTime encoded to DNxHD 115 or 145 (depending on frame rate).
gimme dnxhd-large HD QuickTime encoded to DNxHD 175 or 220 (depending on frame rate).

gimme prores-proxy

2k or HD QuickTime encoded to ProRes (Proxy).

gimme prores-lt Full-res QuickTime encoded to ProRes (LT).
gimme prores-sq Full-res QuickTime encoded to ProRes 422.
gimme prores-hq Full-res QuickTime encoded to ProRes (HQ).

gimme 2k

Full-res h.264 video.

gimme pdf-single-page

PDF doc of the full credits scroll. No page breaks.

Happy rendering.

I'm the co-founder of Sometimes I'm wrong about things on the Internet. Feel free to point that out over on Twitter.