Epic Rants
The Film Industry and the Smiling Curve
In the film industry, you have two things: Development and Distribution. Everything else is just process.
Content Is Not King
Or: if Content is King, why do Dumb Pipes keep buying up studios?
Why Film has not been Disrupted (Yet), Part 4
We show too much deference toward the film industry's old guard. It's time to lose that love affair.
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Our monthly newsletter about disruption in filmmaking, and the occasional typography nerd-out.
Why Film has not been Disrupted (Yet), Part 3
Moore's Law may be gradually catching up with filmmaking, but it's our own mental habits that will prove...
Why Film has not been Disrupted (Yet), Part 2
Film technologists so far have focused on disrupting production technology. That's a start, but it won't...
Why Film has not been Disrupted Yet, Part 1
The film industry has resisted disruption so far. Either Big Media is bulletproof, or the real changes...
Why the RED Camera was (and was not) a Disruptive Innovation
I had the first two RED One (and Epic) cameras. They had a huge impact on production tech, but less so...
2k is not 2048×1152
Dear post houses: we need to talk. You're stepping on my picture. 1152p is not a thing.
7 Ways to Make Your Own Luck in the Film Industry
Step One: consider a different career. No, really.