The Art of Showbiz
From subculture to superculture with Dennis Hopper, Johnny Mnemonic, and the Pictures Generation
Videotaping the Revolution
What do we see when we point the camera at ourselves?
The Hydrogen One Signals Major Changes at Red
Red Digital Cinema just announced the Hydrogen One: a $1,600 Holographic Android Phone. Come again?
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Our monthly newsletter about disruption in filmmaking, and the occasional typography nerd-out.
The Film Industry and the Smiling Curve
In the film industry, you have two things: Development and Distribution. Everything else is just process.
Content Is Not King
Or: if Content is King, why do Dumb Pipes keep buying up studios?
Revolutions Always Come In Twos
Digital transformation comes not in one, but in two distinct waves. The film industry is just now at the...
What Does Disruptive Content Look Like? Part 1
The case of Video Game High School vs. Marco Polo beautifully illustrates classic disruption theory.
Why Film has not been Disrupted (Yet), Part 5
The film industry is damned good at assimilating and neutralizing its top talent.
Why Film has not been Disrupted (Yet), Part 4
We show too much deference toward the film industry's old guard. It's time to lose that love affair.
Why Film has not been Disrupted (Yet), Part 3
Moore's Law may be gradually catching up with filmmaking, but it's our own mental habits that will prove...
Why Film has not been Disrupted (Yet), Part 2
Film technologists so far have focused on disrupting production technology. That's a start, but it won't...